5 research outputs found

    Impact of Green Marketing Mix (7p) on Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Natural Gas

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    Natural gas is one kind of environment friendly product and researcher can use green marketing mix for satisfying the customers. It becomes an increasingly important sector in Bangladesh. The main intent of this study is to examine the impact of green marketing mix (7Ps) elements on natural gas customer satisfaction. The data of this paper were collected by using structured questionnaire from sample of 100 people from Chittagong district of Bangladesh. Data were analyzed with the help of software SPSS by using the statistical techniques regression. The findings of the study showed distribution and price negatively affect the satisfaction levels of natural gas users. So some recommendations have been given for future improvement in customer satisfaction. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Green Marketing Mix, 7Ps’ DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-19-02 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Ecological Marketing Practices for Creating Competitive Advantage

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    Environment concern and ecological marketing are closely related issues of this current world.. This study will discover practices of ecological marketing through eco labeling, ecological packaging, advertising media of ecological marketing. In recent times traditional marketing activities are fully converted to eco friendly marketing which creates scope for attaining competitive advantage by using eco in every steps of marketing over their competitors. Keywords: Ecological marketing, Eco Packaging, Eco labelin

    Factors Affecting Employees Job Switching Intention of Bangladesh’s Ready Made Garments Employees: A Study on Regency Garments Ltd.

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    Now a days Bangladesh garments industry facing different kinds of problems, with in which the employees jobs switching tendency is the major concern. Its can hamper the organizations performance and profit. An Experienced employee can enhance productivity and can contribute more for organization’s development rather than a new employee. So the most challenging problem is the job switching intention of employees and there are some factors of job switching .The paper basically highlights the major factors related  to  job switching intention of employees in ready made garments industry. To achieve this objective, authors adopted a survey method by administration of questionnaires over 50 employees of ready made garments. After statistical analysis here we find six major factors of job switching tendency in RMG sector. These determinants are workplace facilities, workplace safety, employee recognition program, employees’ family life and others. It is possible for the company to reduce conscious about these factors then can reduces the job switching tendency of employees. Keywords: Job switching intention ,Ready Made Garments ,Turnover Intentio

    Factors Affecting Employees Job Switching Intention of Bangladesh’s Ready Made Garments Employees: A Study on Regency Garments Ltd.

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    Now a days Bangladesh garments industry facing different kinds of problems, with in which the employees jobs switching tendency is the major concern. Its can hamper the organizations performance and profit. An Experienced employee can enhance productivity and can contribute more for organization’s development rather than a new employee. So the most challenging problem is the job switching intention of employees and there are some factors of job switching .The paper basically highlights the major factors related  to  job switching intention of employees in ready    made garments industry. To achieve this objective, authors adopted a survey method by administration of questionnaires over 50 employees of ready made garments. After statistical analysis here we find six major factors of job switching tendency in RMG sector. These determinants are workplace facilities, workplace safety, employee recognition program, employees’ family life and others. It is possible for the company to reduce conscious about these factors then can reduces the job switching tendency of employees. Keywords: Job switching intention ,Ready Made Garments ,Turnover Intentio

    Eco-Banking Strategies for Competitive Advantages

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    Environment issues compel the financial institution especially banking business to conduct in such areas in such a manner that helps the overall reduction of external carbon emission and internal carbon footprint. Based on these ideologies, the study initialized the greening strategies for eco-banking and formed a theoretical model through extensive literature survey. These strategies incorporate into three content -green indoor, green process and green outdoor based on potentialities where the factors within the green functions focused low cost and differentiation to ensure competitive advantage. Hence the progress of banks under the crown of eco-banking will obviously create a future milestone in dynamic banking. Keywords: Eco-banking, competitive advantage, green banking, sustainable strategies